Your rating looks pretty well. This score shows that you are treating your company image seriously, there are areas of your image that could get better. If you want to know how to improve your performance click the button below.
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Result details
Visibility variable always considers all profiles.
Number of profiles
Complete information
Trust Analysis
Matrix analysis
Fresh reviews last quater
Quality of reviews
Replying to reviews
Customer feedback
Tone of expression
Your profiles
Hop Sing Laundromat
See profile
Main complaints
Artificial intelligence analyzes negative comments to give you a better understanding of what can be improved. This module shows the percentage of negative reviews that relate to three important aspects of ecommerce operation - product quality problems, delivery problems, customer service problems. The results of a given category mean the percentage of all negative responses, e.g. 43% for customer service means that 45% of all negative responses refer to the quality of customer service.
Customer service
This feature is powered by
Google competitors
This data is based on categories provided by Google and can be confusing (we don’t have any control over it in beta version). It is only intended to sketch where you are in the context of the competition.
McSorley’s Old Ale H...
McGillin's Olde Ale...
Whiskey Tavern
The keywords provided are not subject to semantic analysis and can be confusing. They are displayed based on their frequency of occurrence.
greatest north korean cocktail
greatest north korean cocktail
he conducts his business
he conducts his business
henry box brown
henry box brown
up on social media
up on social media
couldn t care less
couldn t care less
open for 10 years
open for 10 years
Result details
Number of profiles
Complete information
Trust Analysis
Quality of reviews
Number of profilesLearn more
This number shows how many profile you are using. It is important to be visible for your audience. Our research shows that you should be visible at least on three platforms including Google.
It could be better.
One or two profiles is not enough to give your customers chance to hear their voice. Please read the article to improve your performance.
Hop Sing Laundromat
Complete information
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This data inform how well your profiles are filled up. The greater the degree of completion of the profiles, the more convenient the client is.
You can have some gaps here and there, but we can see that you try to be transparent for your customers. If you need more information about these statistics please read the article to improve your performance.
Hop Sing Laundromat
Hop Sing Laundromat
Hop Sing Laundromat
Hop Sing Laundromat
Hop Sing Laundromat
Trust Analysis
Result details
Trust Analysis
Trust matrix
Fresh reviews
Quality of reviews
Trust matrix
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Nice score!
You have really nice reviews to rating ratio. Still there are some improvements possible.
Reviews - Great score!
It looks that you should have many interesting insights from your customers. If you don't use any monitoring app read the article and look at how you can improve your performance.
Rating - Really nice score.
This result shows your customers that you run a credible business. Nevertheless, it can be even better. Please read the article and learn how to improve your performance.
Reviews per profile
Detailed data about rating and reviews
Star rating over past year
Quantity of reviews over past year
Fresh reviews per profile
New reviews last quarter
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This is a very good result!
Your customers are active so you can see how they treat your business.
Quality of reviews
Trust Analysis
Result details
Quality of reviews
Trust matrix
Fresh reviews
Replying to reviews
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Our research shows that it is good practice to respond to all comments. We assumed that the response to 30% of all reviews is the minimum that a business who cares about customer experience activities should meet.
We can see that you treat your customers just right. But if you feel it takes too much time, read the article and learn how you can automate communication with your customers.
Time of response
It is too long.
You have to respond quickly. It is very important to communicate fast and clearly with your customers. Please read the article and learn more.
Detailed data about replying to reviews
Percent of responses over past year
Customer reviews
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Average amount of text
It could be better.
Longer reviews mean more trust in your future customer's eyes. Try to work on this a little more. Please read the article and learn more.
Number of reviews without text
reviews without text
This indicator shows the percentage of reviews with no text (where a customer gave a star rating but didn't write anything). Our analysis shows that your credibility increases if at least 50% of ratings have text.
You nailed it!
You have really engaged customers! Keep that high results and your audience will perceive you as reliable.
Multimedia – UGC
3 rewiews
with photos
Visualization is important for increasing trust in your business. This is great value, try to receive even more photos and videos from your customers! Please read the article and learn more.
Tone of expression
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Impact of negative reviews
Most customers look at negative reviews about your store first. Having negative reviews isn't a bad thing - it indicates your business is trustworthy and ratings and reviews aren't being bought. According to our research, the range of negative reviews between 2.5 and 7.5% has a positive effect on the image of the business.
Too much negative reviews.
You have to encourage your happy customers to leave a comments. Please read the article and learn how to do it.
It could be better.
Your customers are divided. There are some things you can do to improve these results. Please read the article and learn more.
Was in town for one night and wanted to check out this cocktail bar I heard so much about, couldn't get in the door because I was by myself (and a guy probably). I get that you want to fill your bar with attractive ladies but this kind of discrimination should not be tolerated.
Was in town for one night and wanted to check out this cocktail bar I heard so much about, couldn't get in the door because I was by myself (and a guy probably). I get that you want to fill your bar with attractive ladies but this kind of discrimination should not be tolerated.
I came here last night To show my cousin how great of a place this was and was denied entry. I asked why and they wouldn’t tell me why. I was highly upset and embarrassed because I bragged about this place to others and my friends were allow to go in except me. Still very disappointing.
I came here last night To show my cousin how great of a place this was and was denied entry. I asked why and they wouldn’t tell me why. I was highly upset and embarrassed because I bragged about this place to others and my friends were allow to go in except me. Still very disappointing.
What an absolutely awful experience. The doorman is a terrible person. He told us to get cash and when we did, he asked us to leave for ringing the bell a second time. He called our friend, someone with autism, a “fucking child”. I would never go to a restaurant with staff who treats people that way. Do not recommend. Zero stars.
What an absolutely awful experience. The doorman is a terrible person. He told us to get cash and when we did, he asked us to leave for ringing the bell a second time. He called our friend, someone with autism, a “fucking child”. I would never go to a restaurant with staff who treats people that way. Do not recommend. Zero stars.
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